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Citing danger to the economy, President Bush approved an emergency bailout of the U.S. auto industry
Bush announces plans to assist US auto makers
President George W. Bush says he's offering $17.4 billion in loans to the auto industry because lett
President George W. Bush makes statement after Congress passes the $700 billion bailout plan
Congress OKs Financial Rescue, Bush Signs It
The Auto Industry Bailouts: Obama, Financial Crisis and Car Sales in the United States (2010-2012)
Bush Won't Back Bill That Bails Out Lenders
President Bush talks about the bailout bill
U.S. Automakers Almost Of Time
How the Obama Administration Rescued the Auto Industry | Steven Rattner | Talks at Google
Effects of the 2008–10 automotive industry crisis on the United States | Wikipedia audio article
A top Chrysler executive warned Wednesday that a carmaker collapse could send the economy spiraling